Philip and Pauline’s Story
Founded by Philip and Pauline McKernan, Give and Grow came to life in 2005. The couple were on vacation in Sri Lanka, when they realized it was the first anniversary of the tsunami that devastated the country in 2004. They asked a local man how they could be of support, without being tourists. Philip and Pauline were pointed in the direction of an orphanage and spent that day simply being present with the children.
The impact that day had on their own lives was so profound, they turned it into something they could share with others. For over a decade, the couple led groups around the world, spending time with those who are often forgotten. Give & Grow created a space for retreat-goers to experience connection within themselves, to members of the group, and to those they were serving, which had an overwhelmingly positive impact on all of the lives involved.
Philip went on to film a documentary about Give and Grow, which can be accessed complementary here.
Philip and Pauline now focus their experiences in their home country of Ireland, where they live with their two children, Charlie and Maggie, who have both been involved in Give and Grow from very young ages.

Neeley’s Story
In 2016, I traveled to Peru for a Give & Grow retreat and it was one of the most impactful experiences of my life. We spent time with groups of orphaned or displaced children. We played soccer, face painted and laughed with each other. The level of courage and compassion we experienced on that day was like nothing I’d ever been part of before.
I couldn’t believe how much our presence alone made such a massive difference. And, it completely changed my view of what ‘giving’ can mean. While we know we made an impact, it felt like we had gotten far more in return.
Years later, the founder of Give and Grow asked if I would be willing to carry on a new phase of Give and Grow. It became clear very quickly that you don’t need to hop on a plane to make a difference, and often we are disconnected from the people who need us in our own communities.” The truth is, you don’t have to go abroad to experience those sort of life-changing moments. There are opportunities to connect all around us, and I’m honored to support people building those connections.
Watch the conversation between the founder, Philip McKernan and the new steward of Give and Grow, Neeley Koester.

"It's not what you do, but rather who you are that impacts others."